Studio Publications Contact
Design Philosophy



We share the ideology of generating a contemporary architecture that addresses its time and place, as a way of contributing to the cultural progress of society through the production of collective knowledge. That is why our studio was conceived with the philosophy of stimulating a constant interaction between the academia and the professional scenario, between research and practice. This design research is what feeds our role as university professors, as well as the importance given to postgraduate studies as a source of experimentation and continuous feedback.


The rapid and sustained development over time of new technological processes emerges as a pivotal design concern, motivated by obtaining the synthesis of two worlds that seem opposites: digital and material. Incorporating digital systems allows the architect to reliably monitor the processes of design and manufacturing, providing new opportunities even with traditional materials. Architectural design is understood as a system of symbiotic relationships, becoming a hybrid between intuition and systemic thinking. Being more emphatic on processes rather than forms.


Our works are the product of several endeavors: clients' commissions, entrepreneurship, competitions, research, lectures and academic writings. They cover a range of different scales, but designed following the same principles. They are divided into 3 categories for easy tracking: research, project and built. The order in which these categories are arranged responds to the logical sequence we believe architectural thought must be developed.


In response to the intellectual demand present in the core of the studio, this practice is established as a space of speculation shaped ​​by professionals and students, free from the pressures of traditional architectural practice. 3dF [architects] aims to promote a permanent debate about the development of contemporary architecture, trying to understand where to position our architecture and giving a persuasive value to the utopian, understood not as impossible but as something that has not been developed or materialized yet.


Every project is conceived as a unique opportunity that should be treated as such, always thought as a response to a specific demand. We believe in taking risks for solving projects, incurring into research processes, where often a work is a continuation of the previous one, generating rich interrelationships between them as part of an evolutionary process. Continuity is not related with repetition: the evolutionary thinking is the constant, is what pushes us forward, what motivates us to try to be contemporary.

3dF [ar]
Principal in charge
Matías Blas Imbern

Matías Blas IMBERN

  • Education

  •   -Master in Design and Technology | Harvard GSD Class 2013 [honors].

  •   -Architect. Gold Medal Class 2008, GPA 9.7 | FAPyD - UNR.

  • Honors

  •   -David Rockefeller Center Travel Grant 2012-13 | Harvard University.

  •   -Peter Rice Prize 2012 | Harvard GSD.

  •   -Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat Fellowship 2011-12 | Harvard University.

  •   -Fulbright Scholarship, Master Program 2011-12 | US Department of State.

  • Teaching

  •   -Visiting Professor | EAEU - UTDT.

  •   -Adjunct Professor | Design Studio I, II & III - FAPyD - UNR.

  • Andrés BERTONI | Project Manager
  • Rocío FIGUERA | Project Manager
  • Agustín RAMONDA | Project Manager
  • Lucio Herrero | Junior Architect
Collaborators | Ex-Team Members
  • ACOSTA Andrés
  • BERGESE Federico
  • BERTIN Mercedes
  • BIANCHI Manuel
  • CARPMAN León
  • CASACCIA Franco
  • CASACCIA Julio
  • DANA Marcos
  • DARDER Felipe
  • DIAMANTE Nicolás
  • ESCALANTE Ignacio
  • FOHRHOLTZ Germán
  • FORBICE Felipe
  • IOCCO Federico
  • LOPEZ Lisandro
  • MARTIN Celeste
  • MASCETTI Franco
  • MONTOYA Gonzalo
  • ORTEGO Miguel
  • VIZZO Sebastián
  • Civil Engr. BORDACHAR Gustavo
  • Electronic Engineer CASACCIA Luis
  • Digital Cartography CATAROMAP
  • Agricultural Engr. COCOCCIONI Andrés
  • Civil Engr. FURHMAN Federico
  • Civil Engr. GONZALEZ THEYLER Andrés
  • Structural Engr. KARA Hanif
  • Ph.D. Architect MOLINÉ Anibal
  • Electrotechnical SECCI Néstor
  • Computer Scientist TENAGLIA GIUNTA Felipe
  • HONORABLE MENTION Anual Award Built Work 2022. Collective Housing Category. Rosario College of Architects.

    Project: Porosity Building

    October 2022

  • FIRST PRIZE Anual Award Built Work 2020 - (Period 2018 and 2019). Collective Housing Category. Rosario College of Architects.

    Project: Pichincha Hybrid Housing Complex

    October 2020

  • MENTION Clarin ARQ-FADEA Argentine Arquitecture Award 2008-2018, middle scale, Santa Fe.

    Proyecto: Incisions Building [3dF]

    October 2018

  • SECOND PRIZE Best Installation of the Year

    Digital Tectonic Course. EAEU - UTDT.

    Project: Ditebius Torus Pavilion

    December 2016

  • FORTH PRIZE Liberland Design Competition

    Proyecto: From a Flooding Forest toward a Floating City


    May 2016


    Proyecto: Customizable Units

    December 2015

  • MENTION National Competition

    Project: Theater and Audiovisual Center


    September 2013

  • MENTION National Competition

    Project: Masterplan Buenos Aires Rail Yard


    May 2013

  • SECOND PRIZE Best Paper of the Conference

    Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA)

    Paper: Fisac Variations. An Integrated Design and Fabrication Strategy for Adaptable Building Systems

    May 2013

  • PETER RICE PRIZE Innovation in Advancing Architecture and Structural Engineering

    Graduate School of Design - Harvard University.

    Research: Tectonic Tessellation

    May 2012

  • FINALIST National Prize of Architecture

    Clarín Newspaper and Central Society of Architects

    Project: Primary Attention Center

    December 2006

  • SECOND PRIZE Build the Architecture

    Building Producction Course - Arch. Raúl Utgés. School of Architecture - Rosario.

    Project: Temporary Housing in the Riverbank

    July 2004


    XXII Session and VII Congress, School of Architecture - Rosario.

    Project: School of Cinema

    October 2003

  • FIRST PRIZE Architectural Session "Ways of Life"

    Organized by :grupoarquitectura> and Horacio Baliero.

    Project: Viewpoint House by the Riverside

    November 2002

  • FIRST PRIZE ARQUISUR "José Miguel Aróstegui"

    XXI Session and VI Congress ARQUISUR, School of Architecture - Bahía, Brasil.

    Project: Combinatory Housing

    September 2002


    XX Session and V Congress, School of Architecture and Urbanism - Chile.

    Project: Mooring-Bar

    October 2001